IFS-Informed EMDR
Training and Certification for Therapists
An integrated path toward safe & transformative healing.
Welcome! We are here to inspire EMDR and IFS therapists - offering clarity, expertise, encouragement and direction toward safe & effective healing of trauma by integrating these models into your practice.
With IFS-Informed EMDR, we pave the way for a safe EMDR experience.
Through our supported experiential workshop environment, you will expand your understanding of how to work with the complex systems of your clients.

“Healing is a natural, organic process which emerges under specific conditions. The confluence of EMDR and IFS, honed by knowledge of the memory reconsolidation sequence, as illuminated by Coherence Therapy, can foster those conditions.”
Syzygy Institute offers a foundational training program in IFS-Informed EMDR with three experiential workshops. Each workshop is two days long and includes lecture, live demonstrations, and experiential practice sessions facilitated by program guides.
Step One:
Intro to IFS
Step Two:
Step Three:
Discovery & Beyond
Workshops are capped at 30 participants, and affinity group options are available to provide an intimate and safe learning experience for all of our participants!
*Level 1 graduates of the IFS Institute are waived from Step 1.

Self-paced learning options in IFS-Informed EMDR are available through our digital course library!

Craving an in-person training?
Explore Syzygy Institute’s in-person options for our IFS-Informed EMDR Training Program as well as Overture: A One-Day Overview of the Syzygy Model of IFS-Informed EMDR.